OOH, WAT DIS? đź‘€ https://twitter.com/TheJusticeDept/status/1248318605189681152
1. This recommendation comes from the NATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION of DoJ.

2. It implicates the Chinese Communist Party and the Ministry for State Security (a hostile intel service) in espionage and mass surveillance in the United States...using telecom.
"Some of the foregoing relate to China Telecom’s failure to comply with a 2007 Letter of Assurance, which was a basis for the existing FCC authorizations."

Well, let's check it out! This appears to be it: https://fcc.report/IBFS/ITC-T-C-20070725-00285/585405
The assurances appear to have been required to explicate the implications of transferring China Telecom USA to another PRC corporation, since there were NatSec issues.
This appears to be a promise to make sure U.S. telecom services aren't being illegally wiretapped through, say, another country.

Like maybe, f'rinstance, China
Basically, you can operate here, but don't use these services to skirt U.S. wiretap laws, and in law enforcement obtains a warrant, don't disclose that.
Basically, don't try to run some idiot cyber-espionage Op in NSA's backyard, or we'll yank your license.

Perhaps, hence, today's recommendation from the NatSecDiv to the FCC: these guys gotta go!
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