The worst part about this "pandemic" is the excuse all these intellectuals get to use for their support of a failed monetary policy and the consequences thereof.

For a decade they've ridiculed those who opposed Fed - and some do deserve scrutiny since some thought Hinflation
Was coming soon - it may never come bc in all likelihood capital/price controls will be enacted as broad nationalization is inevitable.

& now this pandemic again allows Fed to escape responsibility from creating the highest wealth inequality ever and continuing asset purch #fed
Except now they're quite literally buying all assets. In 08 they said balance sheet expansion was temporary and would normalize yet their bs today...

They said they'd raise rates starting in 2011 yet they weren't able to until 2017 and are already back to 0. QE was supposed to
Be temporary - it's normal operations. They'd eventually stop buying MBS they said and sell them all but instead this. #FederalReserve
And now they are going to be buying corporate debt, municipal, etc - literally not sure I can fit it all into one tweet. And of course these new facilities are supposed to be temporary....

The bailouts in 08 of the banks are often mentioned and on CNBC and other popular...
Financial commentary organizations they state the banks paid back all of their loans - this is not true.

What the Fed did, and is doing now, allows them to hide and funnel billions of dollars into the corporate sector by creating Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) #FederalReserve
These vehicles are just corporations and in 08 the Fed assigned all of the funds NOT paid back using random companies (spv)through these facilities. Yet the money paid back was put under the banks so as to appear they paid back the full amount.

This is a lie and it's going to be much worse now.

I will be adding to this thread later highlighting how the new fed facilities will bailout corporations and banks and they will hide these losses/bailouts using SPVs. Also, these SPVs funded by taxpayer dollars.. #FederalReserve
Typically have WALL ST EXECS helping or deciding where the funds get used. This is happening right now and will continue in years to come as trillions get funneled into the corporate sector and wealth inequality rages on at a pace unimaginable. #FederalReserve
Anyhow. Life is great. I advise you use unemployment checks to buy far dated far out of the money calls on any and everything.

Back tomorrow to provide a thorough detailing of how the fed reserve and #WallStreet are looting the taxpayer and how they're hiding it. #FederalReserve
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