How the Authority in @WHO is basically a group of incompetent c̶l̶o̶w̶n̶s̶ leaders blinded by money and China oh don't get me started on that: A Thread

Disclaimer: I'm not saying I can save the world but come on it's 2020 if everyone had some sense we probably can
1a. From the very top: we don't really know when this chaos started haha censorship in the CCP but for the sake this thread,
official reports of the coronavirus emerged Dec 8 2019. ('unofficial' reports of infection were recorded as early as Nov. 19, 2019). So hey, that's sketch
1b. After the CCP decided that maybe this thing is very dangerous, they declared a lockdown in Wuhuan on January 23, 2020, a shocking many days after they've discovered it However, people were trying to leave Wuhan because they didn't want to be trapped. So that didn't work out.
2. The WHO as of Dec '19- Jan '20 in a nutshell:
WHO: Oh hey this thing is spreading in China so quickly that's concerning
CCP: hush
WHO: oh hey i mean it's not concerning nothing to worry about
3. Taiwan: yeeeeeesh this thing sounds dangerous we'll start being careful *SARS flashbacks* (and thus began what i like to call the great sugrical mask chaos of 2020). Taiwan starts regulating the sale of PPE and sanitation-related materials. Yay Taiwan!
4a. Jan 25, the US evacuates citizen & consulates in Wuhan. Other countries follow. Taiwan wants to do that but HEY the CCP denies us because "it's part of China". People are dying. Really, CCP, really? Taiwan proceeds to negotiate with the CCP. Taiwanese citizens return on Feb 3
4b. but wait, there's MORE. CCP refuses to use the sanitised planes that were prepared to bring the Taiwanese citizens back and throws a bunch of random people on the plane instead of following a list that prioritises the immunocompromised&those in desperate need. Way to go CCP
5a. Now where are we? February!
While REPORTED cases rise to 20,000 in China (we cant trust them), the CCP still has the energy to send military planes to just swoop around taiwan on Feb. 9, 10, and 28. Way to govern a country!
WHO names the renames 2019-nCOV to COVID-19.
CO- corona
this was done to avoid the virus from targeting a specific region. but hey, I would like to point out the existence of MERS-CoV (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) what is up with that @WHO
6. That brings us to March 11, global cases of COVID-19 rose to 125,875, the WHO finally declared a pandemic.

Pandemic: ​a disease that spreads over a whole country or the whole world (oxford dictionary)

it qualified as a pandemic very early on so what is up with that?
7a. As the global infection toll rises to 932,605 as of April 1st, everyone was hoping this was a giant April fools joke yeah everyone can go home now but wait- we're all at home and this is very real.
7b. Taiwan announces they will be donating 10 million surgical masks to the worse affected areas of the world. Taiwan does in fact have ulterior motives to donating masks- we just want friendship after CCPstole them with money. Meanwhile, a chinese woman hoards masks in Florida.
8a. Despite Taiwan's effective policies, we're still attacked by the CCP and the WHO a lot
@DrTedros claims threats were made to him by the Taiwanese but hey according to his policy Taiwan isn't a country that exists thus the formal way to address this is"China is attacking me"
8b. Bruce Aylward sides with China on the great Taiwan debate, telling a reporter that "We've already discussed china" So there you go Ted Chinese people are attacking you because Taiwan is a fictional wonderland doing an exceptional job at preventing COVID-19
That would be the end for now. You can tell I am biased but I will NOT accept people shit talking my country. Only Taiwanese people can shit talk Taiwan. Also, on the Taiwan/WHO debate, I'm just salty because my dream was to represent Taiwan in the WHO but as of now screw the WHO
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