Anyways I’m sobbing. Somebody broke into my apartment and stole everything. I’m broke af.
The door wasn’t forced. Everything was closed I always make sure to close everything like a billion times. The cops say they can’t do shit cause it wasn’t a forced situation.
My downstairs neighbor went up cause she saw the door opened and closed it. Before so, she saw my whole apartment recked. They broke my printer, they broke my plates, they recked my place. I seriously don’t have a lot of money. I’m really stressed.
I’m sobbing my eyes out, idk why this had to happen. Everybody around the area knows I’m a broke college student.
I’m sorry I haven’t got back to any of you. I’m overwhelmed. I still don’t know what I’ll do, Mimi was kind enough to PayPal me some money. I still haven’t gone to the apartment so I don’t know how much I lost. Thank you for supporting me and saying kind things.
I haven’t had the strength to go tbh, I know I’ll be more devastated once I realize what was lost. I know it’s only material things and I’m glad I wasn’t hurt, but even though it’s only material I’m not in the position to waste as much money so it hurts me.
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