Four years ago from my memories. Soooo bittersweet and lemme tell you why!!! I have never shared this but my first year of college, I lost my athletic scholarship. I was partying a lot and my mindset was “C’s get degrees” whew so there went my academic scholarship too.
I went to a PWI on athletic and academic scholarships. I’ve always been late to the party because I signed a month before my HS graduation so not really what I wanted... at that time I was sure I’d be a trophy wife anyways so I was lackadaisical in regards to college EW I KNOW
Anyways, after I lost my scholarship December 2012 I didn’t know what to do. I was honestly about to be a “normal” student so I could live my life w no rules and find a man ugh EW. Embarrassing this whole story 😭 but God was like no child and I got two full ride offers 🥳
Anyways still at my first school, still not caring about my GPA I had a 2.3 by the end of freshman year. But I signed to THE Southern University (best HBCU . ) for Fall 2013! I literally moved 8 hours away to Louisiana alone. I was scared but I could not let my parents down!!!
My dad went to Arkansas on a full ride football scholarship and left, I still see him express regrets in that and my mom has two masters degrees. How would I look not taking up opportunities they created for/with me??? Paid for school activities sports they just were always there
So anyways second year was still rough, GPA was still on IDGAF so I tried to switched majors to something “easy”. Since I transferred, I had 0 room for that and they said I would’ve graduated in 2018. 2 extra years lol no I just sucked it up and stayed in my psychology program.
I still had no idea what I was gonna do with it because graduate school was not a plan but since I had a strict coach, I didn’t do much outside of... volleyball. So I was like let me at least try to get my GPA up. I took 18+ hours for 3 semesters and 9 hours of summer school.
I finally got my GPA to a 3.2 and I graduated on time!!! The struggle didn’t stop there tho LOL no no no so after this wonderful celebration. I moved in w my ex worst decision ruined everything he wanted me to make marriage type sacrifices UH UH so I moved back w my parents!
I was miserable but I had room to think w no bills so blessed. My parents were on me and I actually told this story in this video so I won’t go too deep but I basically still didn’t have a legit plan and my parents were on me heavy, I went into depression.
After a lot of SELF HELP activities, a MBA program ad popped up saying “any undergrad degree” I researched so fast and found a school that exempted the GRE test with a 3.0 GPA or above. THANK GOODNESS I FIXED MY GPA. Had to take extra courses to catch up but it’s been worth it!
I’ve learned so much. So I realized that my job as an aba therapist was not for my career path & I moved to Dallas for better opportunities (& bills 😭) I work for the same company as a manager and getting so much operational experience! I interviewed 3 times, it was a struggle
I still take online courses but I start my digital marketing internship (just got accepted) this fall SO EXCITED for that. It fits me well, I gained interest after starting my YouTube, (diff story) I’ve always felt a lost but for once, I finally feel like my plans are legit 🙏🏾
So keep pushing, it’s hard but always find yourself first and your passions will align. Take sacrifices that you need to make. Focus on moving forward, as long as you’ve learned more than you knew yesterday, you’re doing something right! You have to step out your comfort zone.
I still feel lost at times.... A lot of the time especially now but still gotta keep on. Reflecting really helps me, I pushed through so much and you’ll notice so have you. I hope this inspires someone because I’ve inspired myself again. God bless and believe in yourself!!! 🙏🏾😇
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