A THREAD: Took my dog to the vet the other day for an ear infection & they treated both ears by putting a cream in them that I can’t wash out for 3 weeks. Well I noticed today he wasn’t responding to the things I was saying, not do you want a treat or walk (all his fav words btw)
Being the calm and collected person I am I immediately call the vet sobbing telling him how the light of my life (my dog) is now deaf
The vet then proceeds to tell me “ah we must have forgotten to tell you. that’s a common side effect of the medicine due to how thick the medicine is”.... like you forgot to tell me my dog was gonna be deaf for three weeks??
He then proceeds to tell me how I can “just use hand signals or something”... uh dude my dog is blind
Well I am now keenly aware of what it was like to be around Helen Keller (all respect due). I am stomping around so he can feel the vibrations of where I go
But on the bright side he’s not permanently deaf and he’s still happy. The end.
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