1/ This is a good summary of why Todd Starnes is a running joke among First Amendment lawyers, scholars, & advocates.

While @yaf disingenuously put him in a video titled "Free speech is for everyone," in reality Starnes has a rather expansive view of who free speech is *not* for https://twitter.com/toddstarnes/status/1248261140741840897

According to Starnes, free speech is not for students who offend his "patriotic" sensibilities.

According to Starnes, free speech is not for people who express opinions about businesses he likes.

According to Starnes, free speech is not for government employees

According to Starnes, free speech is not for artists who offends his political sensibilities

According to Starnes, free speech is not for people who disagree with conservatives in less than polite ways.

According to Starnes, free speech is not for people who say mean things about the President (as long as that President is Donald Trump)

According to Starnes, free speech is not for student organizations who hold events about sex that he thinks are icky, despite the fact that student fees must be distributed in a viewpoint-neutral manner.

So who *is* free speech for, according to Todd Starnes? Easy: people who say things that he likes.

Nobody should confuse Starnes with someone who believes in free speech. And for someone who rails against people who he perceives as unpatriotic, that's too much irony to bear.
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