• “Virus” infects thousands, and lock down countries some including enforcement of lockdown.
Keeping us on voluntary house arrest.
• Fear set in the masses and we blindly listen and look to government for next steps which marks the beginning of making us dependant on the state

Virus deemed highly infectious preparing and convincing us to accept that a likely MANDATORY vaccine will be necessary
• Rights of privacy within communication platforms (end to end encryption) coming to an end

(Simultaneously people are mandated to maintain social distancing so our only tool of communication is these platforms & devices which are CURRENTLY losing the battle to keep privacy)
• Independent contractors and small business forced to temporarily shut down which likely leads to months of low revenue and eventually permanent shut down. The first step in eliminating the middle class and putting us from success-based mind state to survival-based mindstate
• Getting us to accept money from the government to survive. Slowly training us to become financially dependent on State. As they promote the idea that food & supply chains are beginning to be disrupted & preparing us to accept we will depend on government for food & essentials
• The internet is being censored. Opinion videos including “conspiracies” which have always been around & never removed from the web are being suppressed by algorithms of social platforms & deleted from the web. Violating our right to freedom of speech & hiding information.
• More 5G towers going up globally even though scientific reports from a decade ago already deemed current EM radiation has affected our health & current reports by hundreds of experts are warning governments and WHO that 5G is VERY dangerous to our health and environment.
• After MANY years of cellphone towers beaming EM radiation at us all day we blame a virus that medical officials can’t even understand or explain for making us sick. In comparison to those “infected” the few are dying. Yet WE all believe this virus is highly infectious & lethal
• There is solid proof that they have taken a natural reaction from our body called “Exosomes” & labeled it “COVID 19” & since it’s naturally in most of our bodies at times (when our cells are fighting toxins) it has made it so easy to diagnose thousands with this “virus”
• They have used fear and manipulation of the media to begin controlling us and make us depend on the government. They are violating our right and slowly making it a norm. Making us believe things must be this way in order to be protected and keep our families safe.
• It all sounds crazy until you put all the pieces together and step back to see the bigger picture. The bigger plan. The agenda that has been set in motion years ago and is coming to a checkpoint and milestone for those running the world.
• We’re reaching the point of no return. Our rights are being violated and slowly stripped from us. And they are going to make it seem like that is exactly what we need and want. Don’t let the misinformation and manipulation of the media fool you.
• Soon it will be impossible to access any information that they don’t want us to see. It has already started on various platforms like Reddit, Google and YouTube. Don’t forget they have algorithms that they can tweak and adjust and eventually let you see only what they want.
• Stay woke. From the start of this I knew it was part of a bigger plan for having us under full control.

They honestly even had me fooled about covid.

I‘m starting to believe this COVID-19 is a hoax. The greatest scam of all time.
• Yes, people are getting sick, but haven’t they always? The “virus” has a wide range of symptoms which could be attributed to any number of things. Yet the media paints the picture it’s “covid-19” and we believe it with barely any information to back it up.
• I’m starting to believe that people have a weaker immune system (among many other things) due to exposure to EM radiation. And it still hasn’t really gotten that bad, they are just preparing us to accept that people are going to continue becoming sick and it’s “COVID-19”
• Meanwhile these countless 5G towers start to go up adding to the thousands of towers already up filling our air with even more powerful and dangerous EM radiation that has not been tested and hundreds of reports & experts say will be VERY harmful to humans and our environment
• But most of us just listen to the ignorance in the news and make memes about COVID 19 and memes about 5G and laugh it all away on the very devices and platforms they are using to control, manipulate and get us ill or kill us 😂😐🤦🏽‍♂️
• Mfs will discredit an argument as soon as it says 5G without even looking into it & conducting some research. They rather listen to the controlled media & believe exactly what they want you to believe rather than read expert reports, expert opinions & make your own conclusion
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