Why is it that every time someone gets on fire for shoplifting, they say something like this?

People who work retail: Don't do this, we'll get fired

Shoplifters: Um, no you don't, lol. Blame the company. Be gay, do crimes!!! https://twitter.com/SweetBeans99/status/1248075964954759170
You can't claim to care about the workers and then literally argue against them over something they actually live!

And then there's always someone claiming that people against never worked retail. Like, do people who peddle shoplifting as good actually care about people?
If you're gonna shoplift, shoplift essentials. And honestly I would argue that art supplies are essentials; people need them to work. But anything past that, just use real money
Like, look at this!!!
People aren't saying "but think of the poor company," they're worried about the workers who get screwed over by the company policies. The workers know that the blame falls on the company, that doesn't change anything
Like, what kind of logic is
"I live paycheck to paycheck. When people shoplift, that gets taken out of my paycheck. My company has shit policies that punishes the workers for things out of our control, therefore it's okay to shoplift"
Capitalism has systems set in place that no matter what wrong happens, it falls on the most vulnerable
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