I think it’s funny when Bernie supporters label Biden racist. Like nah bruh, Trump is racist, Biden is just a typical white man with privilege, just like Bernie was when he was praising Goldwater.
And this isn’t to try and dunk on Bernie or his supporters. I like him about as much as I like Biden, ‘not much’, but they are more ally than enemy and that can be appreciated.

*deep breath*
But what I don’t appreciate. Is being told that I’m doing something wrong by not just sitting on my hands, or tossing my vote in the trash by voting Green.
Fuck all that shit. Do you see this man? I’m approached by a lot of people (in the Twitter world) who view the people voting for Biden as the problem. Who think that it’s Trump v Blue Trump. That’s the most reductionist ass bullshit I’ve ever heard.
“MLK was a lot closer to Bernie than he is to Biden”

“The white moderate who is going to vote for someone like Biden is the real issue, like MLK said”

Fuck y’all. Seriously.
MLK would have taken one look at Trump, and one look at Biden and would have Rick James slapped your dumbasses back to Selma.
The President is a fascist. Full stop.

His broken view of the world and government led to the exact point we are at today. I would have voted for LITERALLY any one of the other candidates that took (and didn’t take) the stages at the debates.
I would have voted for a pile of shit over Trump in the primary, luckily I was able to vote for Elizabeth Warren. That’s who I thought deserved my vote. That’s who I like. I get your guy didnt win. My woman didn’t. But I’m doing what needs to be done to rid the country of a dick
I hope you would too.

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