Like and I’ll guess your toxic trait based on your dp
@ItsJaySpeaking You look like you emotionally blackmail and guilt trip people as a means to reach your own personal agenda
@ashtaf130 you’re wholesome as fuck bro I can’t think of anything
@RoyMerhej You look like you hide your insecurities by acting positive all the time then pour it all out in an unproductive way
@SamiHarakeh You look like you lie & cheat
@abedsalam_ you look like you hurt people because you’re afraid they’d hurt you first
@rayanghais you look like you hurt people without intending to and you start accepting that’s just who you are
@zahyadib you look like you play the victim by using neglect and abandonment to punish people when they don’t give you attention
@nicknameneeded You look like you’d make fun of your kids the same way your parents make fun of you because you need to release the pain in some way
@jessiicaasss you look like you act like you don’t care but secretly hold a grudge for every slightest error done against you
@ThabetDhaybi you look like you’d sell your wife for a BMW
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