This week has been very up-and-down in terms of my mental health, approaching a month of being sick and finding it pretty hard handling it alone.
Here's to the little victories though, I've been pouring hours into cooking and I'm quite fed up of it, but today I had cheese on toast and it took five minutes and there's only one plate to wash up and honestly given my life is just doing dishes now, that brings me joy
Plus I've had people reaching out to me for calls and hangouts and video games, I honestly don't know where I'd be without em 💜💜💜
I just.. hope I get better soon. I'm only mildly unwell, really, but it's quite limiting on what I can do and not knowing for sure if it's covid is really wearing me down. And the fact it's not shifting makes me very anxious.
I'm not really sure what the point of this thread is. I guess I'm just finding stuff hard this week. I thought I was on the up and then got worse. All I want is a glass of wine, a takeaway (fuck cooking rn) and a hug but that's not an option. I guess we sit with it
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