lokitty nsfw!! thor is walking home in the rain one night when he hears a plaintive wailing down an alleyway. further investigation reveals a hybrid—an expensive pet, bred and sold for various purposes—curled up in a corner, soaked and terrified
it’s a cat hybrid, that much is clear from its ears, curled down close to its head, and the way its eyes dilate when thor draws near. he extends a hand for the hybrid to sniff, taking in its thin, shivering body, covered in bruises and scabs
“hey, kitten,” thor says, when the hybrid finishes sussing him out. he slowly reaches out to pet one wet ear, and gets a soft, surprised mewl in response.

“let’s get you out of here, hm?” thor asks. he brings the hybrid home, dries it up, feeds it some leftovers.
thor watches the hybrid eat, slowly and hesitantly at first, then frantically, like it’s been starved. when the hybrid suckles all its fingers clean, taking time to groom itself, thor looks away. that night, he sets the hybrid up on the couch.
he takes the hybrid to the vet the next morning. its microchip’s been wiped of everything but its name: loki. and after an inspection (loki mewing pitifully but submitting when the doctor spread its legs) it turns out loki is male, and due for a heat.

thor takes him back home.
idk why this thread got cut but here’s the rest of it https://twitter.com/nastycorvid/status/1248305687307759617?s=21 https://twitter.com/nastycorvid/status/1248305687307759617
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