It's quarantine time and everyone's looking for things to do so I thought I would compile a thread on learning languages. I'm now conversational in 3 entirely dissimilar languages, with 2-3 months spent learning each. This thread explains the process.
From experience the most efficient way to start learning a language is through grammar. Greetings aside, grammar-focused learning facilitates faster cognition. I've been able to hold decent conversation with working use of around 300 words. Don't focus on nouns, they come later.
The hurdles of grammar training are as follows:
1. Reading (Interpretation)
2. Writing (Creation)
3. Listening (Timed Interpretation)
4. Speaking (Timed Interpretation and Creation)

With each stage demanding more conceptual familiarity.
For every item of grammar, this is the roadmap to complete internalization. With the understanding of each stage comes new-found confidence and drive to continue. Due to the length and breadth of language, metric tracking is difficult, and beginners quickly disheartened.
The rhizomatic nature of language must match the acquisition method. If you find yourself curious, don't hesitate to research further. Topics explored will be better committed to memory, as well as interconnected with others; a phenomenon seldom evinced via textbook rote.
For nouns and expressions that must be rote-learned, spaced repetition is the most effective method. I recommend Anki as my preferred software. It;s free, open source etc. with good community plugins to make things run easier. Just add any new words you come across to a deck.
Daily learning is of utmost importance. Don't force yourself to study for any set amount of time per day. Be patient. Speaking and listening skills will come with time, hastened only by the time spent engaged with foreign media and native speakers.
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