folks trying to sell that "Gotta prevent a 2nd term of Trump" but like
- @JoeBiden will literally change nothing but the name
- He will do so in a way that makes the atrocities seem "normal" again.
- MAGA becomes the new "liberal"
- A new, shittier fascist beats him in 2024.
If you vote for Biden, you normalise and condone:
- Children in cages
- Corporate bailouts
- Continuing impoverishment of workers
- Warmongering around the globe
- Privatisation of human rights
and more!
You make the GOP platform the new "baseline" for liberalism.
Theres not going to be bipartisan unity or any of that trite garbage.
The fascists will always ask for 10 times more, and the libs will always compromise at exactly the half-way mark of anything they demand.
You keep normalising attroctious compromises, they keep compromising half-way further.

This is not hypothetical it's retrospective.
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