So here is what I would like @realDonaldTrump to say the next time an idiot reporter asks about hydroxychloroquine & zinc.
1. One is a vitamin. The other has been around for 60 years. The side effects are well known & mostly associated with long term use. Protocol is 5 days /1
2. We know a lot about what this drug does for malaria. It doesn’t kill the parasite. It stops it from stealing the process by which red blood cells carry oxygen.

3. You know what else appears to hijack the process by which red blood cells carry oxygen? COVID 19. If it can /2
stop the malaria parasite from doing it, maybe it can stop COVID from doing it.

4. We also know from cancer & other research, the drug is a zinc ionophore. I know that’s a big word, so I will explain it this way. It holds the door of cell membranes open to let more zinc in /3
5. This matters because viruses replicate inside your cells. They hijack the cell production processes to essentially make photocopies of itself. It’s RNA. /4
6. We know from research that zinc interfered with this photocopying of RNA in SARS. It also does the same for other types of viruses. How it works does not seem to change as long as it is an RNA virus. COVID 19 is.

7. Dr’s first tried these drugs because of what the COVID /5
does to the body & how the medications work. It was not random. It was informed by years of use & research.

8. It does not kill the virus, like antiviral drugs may. They hope because of what we know about it that it slows down the growth of the virus & allows a person’s /6
own body more time to fight it off. Many doctors are reporting this appears to be the case.

7. Because these drugs are so old, they are also inexpensive. If they work for many people, they would be very cost effective to use. Unlike newer drugs which can be very expensive /7
8. This drug may not work for all people. That is why our best science companies are working on other drugs that attack the virus differently. We need multiple weapons in this fight.

9. If you had a thing called the internet, you could have found this information yourself. /8
You should really talk to your boss about getting that. - Next question......

* It would be great if Dr. Fauci would explain this. But he hasn’t given multiple opportunities. I find this somewhat odd. Dr.’s in China & elsewhere did not pull this idea out of their ass. /9
They tried based on known physiology, pharmacology & lab tests on previous coronaviruses.

Dr. Fauci could have explained it weeks ago & didn’t. It would have ended the media stupidity on the subject. I struggle to come up with a reason he did not. /end
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