Lisa Hamilton @doulajeweler, a #fullspectrumdoula: “What a doula brings to the room is space held for the client’s feelings, reactions, and comfort. We are a hand to hold, an ear to listen. Everyone deserves that. Personally, I wish there were dental doulas” #reproductivejustice
“We wear street clothes to and from shifts, changing into and out of scrubs at the clinic. I trained as a #fullspectrumdoula because I have both had abortions and given birth alone, without support. I want to do my part to make sure other people don’t have that experience.”
On the current #Texas near total #abortionban, using #COVIDー19 as pretext: “It is a direct attempt to control not just women, but all people. A rich person will always have access to these services. It is our most vulnerable people who suffer. And it makes absolutely no sense.”
“They call a simple, safe procedure “murder,” but they do not call starving and denying medical care to parents and children murder. Through their propaganda, they are conditioning people to vote for their own slaughter.”
Read more about the Texas abortion ban on this thread:
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