I’ve received several criticisms of recorded services all based on the idea: “No one is worshipping. You’re just performing / acting”.

So first, what an insult that is to those who, for various reasons, have been worshipping at home via televised / streamed services for years.
Those people are worshipping as they engage with the recording.

Second, any worship service can be a “performance” with the participants just “going through the motions”. It’s about intention not format.

It’s also true that at times we ALL are “going through the motions” ..
Sometimes our only contribution to worship is to “show up” and simply be present - wherever our minds are; however conscious we are physically of exhaustion, aches and pains. Just “being there” - including online - is also an offering; one that I believe God accepts happily.
I assure you the “work” that goes into adapting liturgies, scripting them and making that available to people, recording and editing to make it flow well and pleasantly, using our gifts and talents while observing safety precautions...all of this can be and for me is “prayer”
Finally providing liturgical worship in a form congregations are used to isn’t about “clericalism.” It’s about ministers carrying out their duties to offer the sacrifices (of praise and thanksgiving) with those gathered (physically or virtually) AND on behalf of those not present
Connection to God comes through connection to one another, yes, but also to sacred texts, spaces, rituals and symbols....not all of which can be provided from the pastor’s rec-room.

So please let’s each
Worship as we can.
Help others to do the same.
Stop judging others.
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