More than the Scrolls and Wires, it is portals like Scoopwhoop & Arre that have a damaging effect. Scroll & Wire get called out pretty easily for their hypocrisy because they they pretend to publish serious stuff. When they call themselves "intellectuals" they get scrutinised
But this isn't the case with Scoopwhoop & Arre, or many Insta profiles that I don't know much about. What these outlets do is advance their political biased quite subtly. You can't call out their hypocrisy because they are supposed to be entertainment- popular culture.

So you can put out truckloads of misinformation/ technically incorrect stuff, all in the name of humour and entertainment, and get away with it. But it does leave an incisive effect upon the impressionable minds, that is, the millennials. A reason why AAP is popular in Delhi
The sham of Ganga-Jamuna tehzib cannot be effectively propagated through the so called op-ed portals- Wire & Scroll, because it its naivety. But can be easily advanced by these inherently subtle propaganda mediums that don't have to even pretend to be serious.

Web series that vilify defence forces, or movies like Shaurya essentially fall in this category too. Leftist mind is not made for "intellectualism", it succumbs to emotional stuff- dramatics and sensational quotes that are quite impractical. "Popular culture" offers this.

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