Ya know when I bought this ceramic clown from the goodwill for use in my painting I did not anticipate how sick I would get if trying to color match the specific green this person used to paint the crotch shadows on his pants.
What if I scrap everything I’ve done so far on this painting due on Monday, break the bottom half off of the clown, and do it again. Is that art? Performance art? Is that performance art? Is anything not performance art?
Maybe I do a Portrait of a Lady on Fire moment in the middle of critique on Monday where I take a rag and just fucking wreck the clown but not the face part just the pants part. Professor’s like ‘yo wtf’ and I look directly at the camera and say ‘performance art.’
What if I tape a banana to the canvas.
God I hate realism.
Is this thread performance art?
What even is performance art. Where’s the line. People just do things and say it’s a metaphor for something or a commentary or whatever and then do it again about another thing. What’s the difference between making a statement as performance art and making a tumblr post about it.
Can you tell I’m procrastinating going back to this painting
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