I can't stress how disappointed I am in so many leftists I used to admire whose content enlightened me. They really adopted similar behavioral patterns that they built careers on exposing in the alt right.

The ones that didn't, though, I have become infinitely more fond of.
That's not to say I think that any of those kind of leftists = alt right. It will never be that serious bc they're not Nazis and genuinely believe in positive, transformative change.

But all this smearing and lying and obfuscating and FOR WHAT? A campaign that had no chance.
Yes well inhaled some hope when Bernie, briefly, was a front runner. But then the centrists fell in line and everyone knew that Bernie never stood a chance in a head to head against Biden. Polling data/ favorables always conveyed this.
There was 1 candidate who had the best chance against Biden in a head to head based on the same polling data but I know Berners won't accept this conversation bc their Official Narrative blames Warren for the downfall of a campaign that had 5 years to prepare for this.
That's one thing I fuckin hate --- How come Warren was simultaneously your savior, and foil? How does that work? Polling shows an endorsement would have changed fuck all bc Warren's specialty was attracting progressives and the moderate base into the same tent.
No matter what way you slice it, Bernie's only chance was a contested convention. And Warren's only chance was a head to head against Biden.

American progressives, the ones who have ideas of running in 2024 or 2028, decide on 1 candidate and choose your press team wisely.
And the leftists that fell for this bile need to take a long hard look at themselves and how much ammunition their behavior gave the centrist establishment.

Yes, your anger is justified. But there are ways to be productive to your cause with that anger-
Telling your CLOSEST POLITICAL ALLIES who you NEED TO SUPPORT YOUR CANDIDATE that they're all traitors and shills and hacks? That they want poor people to die? Is a fucking useless, insane and cruel way of coalition building.
Like yeah, I'm sure the old black ladies in the American South who just want the country to be run by a not-Nazi really appreciate being told they want children to die bc M4A isn't on Biden's policy list.
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