What did we learn today? @WHO @DrTedros were right.[THREAD]
1) Evidence travel bans could not stop transmission to US (which mostly via Europe, in Feb, before cases there reached crisis).
By the time you see epi its too late to stop it at border. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/08/science/new-york-coronavirus-cases-europe-genomes.html
2) Rapid response was critical & TESTING was key. All travelers urged to seek care & test in early Feb might have caught. By mid January @WHO was pushing hard to scale up lab capacity and testing. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200130-sitrep-10-ncov.pdf?sfvrsn=d0b2e480_2
3) It's critical to note again that the US knew about the threat and did not act. US intelligence community was warning Senators & White House; they chose not to act.
Claims that they were mislead by @WHO ring very hollow. https://twitter.com/MMKavanagh/status/1247887726214406151?s=20
4) Now Senators are calling for @DrTedros to testify. I really wish I could say that our political leaders were doing this so that we could LEARN. So we could rapidly adjust out strategy, based on global experience, to save lives. Instead it's to distract https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/09/senate-who-coronavirus-testify-177165
5) certainly not saying @WHO has not had mis-steps. I have been critical of how framed Chinese response; overly supportive on authoritarian response, under focus on basic public health. Think this gave impression lockdowns=success. But US simply cannot blame our failures on WHO
6) But one thing @DrTedros has been clear on, and I think he's being proven right: This pandemic CAN be contained. But not without international cooperation. Moves that undermine it (including travel bans, which have serious geopolitical implications) are driving the pandemic.
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