Seeing news about #Covid19 running rampant through large group homes (+institutions) is devastating.

+ fact that people with disabilities aren't getting access to the same testing and care is disturbing.

+ we still don't have HCBS funding in a relief package is unacceptable.1/
San Francisco early on, pre shelter in place, limited gatherings for more than 10 people.

This begs the question of how we still have people with disabilities living in settings of 10+++ people who cannot take meals outside of communal spaces and have no independent unit. 2/
Sometimes these disabled individuals do not even have their OWN BEDROOM to self-isolate (20+yrs post Olmstead this is still the reality).

It's unavoidable that people with disabilities need care and staff right now. It's avoidable that they live in these settings. 3/
We tell people to self-isolate, and limit gatherings, while at the same time not offering housing options to people with disabilities where they can isolate in their own apartment/home or go through a day without coming into direct/indirect contact with high numbers of people. 4/
At the same time, states, including California, are moving Covid19 patients into nursing homes and other facilities. Meaning... two things: It means all people who currently live in these facilities are at increased risk and... 5/
it also means we're going to see a new wave of people with disabilities who get sick will move from the hospital to an institution and can end up getting stuck there forever, losing their home and supports in the community, further perpetuating our national institutional bias. 6/
So, what do we do about it?
1) we listen to disabled advocates. They've been signaling the alarm about this issue FOR YEARS. Now people are dying. Listening yet?

2) we invest in community housing and services where people can have their own housing and get services they need

Going to share some of the articles on this below. In the meantime, tweet/call/email your representative to make sure that the next COVID19 stimulus bill must include funding for HCBS in Medicaid #WeAreEssential

And, on a local/state level, demand affordable housing funds include community based housing (read: not facilities, ACTUAL housing) that is accessible and affordable for disabled people AND supports people to bring services into their home, even if their needs are significant. 9/
TLDR: listen to disabled people, institutions are dangerous, don't congregate people, invest in housing.

Affordable, accessible, community based, service-ready housing is what we need and we needed it yesterday.

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