I argue caution & humility when bringing tech to bear on the pandemic. For example, I discuss the early success but ultimate breakdown of Google Flu Trends between 2009 and 2013.
I note that digital contact tracing apps, even if well-architected from a privacy and security perspective, could wind up doing more harm than good and even empower malicious actors (a point I don't hear discussed much).
I call the Committee's attention to the work of @ruha9, @safiyanoble, and others demonstrating the tendency of technological solutionism to inure disproportionately to the harm of vulnerable and minority populations.
And I caution against mission creep, secondary use, and the very real potential that Americans will become acclimated to surveillance. You can read the entire testimony here: https://www.commerce.senate.gov/services/files/D069F0C0-2B67-4999-AC75-5BC41D14D00C
You can follow @rcalo.
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