Now that #TwinPeaks30 and #twinpeakswatchparty are behind us, time for me to go back to my Twin Peaks quarantine rewatch, starting with The Return Part 1 & 2. As always, all are welcome to join with their thoughts and comments! THREAD 1/
Before I begin, I want to make a general note. Especially after rewatching the first 2 seasons, I can understand those fans who didn't like The Return. The charm, comfort and warmth of those seasons are gone, replaced by a far darker, bleaker, harder-to-watch vision. 2/
On the other hand, my hat's off to Lynch & Frost for not taking the easy route (e.g., a new murder has been committed in TP, FBI comes to investigate), for not wallowing in nostalgia, and for taking risks in telling a new and original story unlike what we saw before. 3/
To me, The Return feels like a great sequel in the vein of Aliens or Terminator 2: one that doesn't try to duplicate what came before it, but instead takes the narrative into another direction and creates a larger story universe. Okay, now let's get on with the show! 4/
FWWM ends with Cooper and Laura. The Return begins with Cooper and Laura and ends with them as well (or at least some versions of them). It's a perfect dramatic symmetry as these two are the heart and soul of Twin Peaks. 5/
Now, of course the big question of this episode is when exactly is the scene between The Fireman and Cooper set? My theory is AFTER Carrie's scream in Part 18
so the story is like one neverending loop. It also may not be the first time (or the last) this conversation occurs. 6/
There is no big fanfare about our return to Twin Peaks, just a simple, subtle gesture of Dr. Jacoby removing one pair of shades to reveal his trademark glasses. Dr. Amp is so ahead of his time, he was a social distance champion before it was a thing. 7/
No offense to Sam who's cute and all, but Tracey was trying just a liiiiittle too hard to get inside that room. Is it fair to assume Mr. C paid her to seduce Sam in order to attract the creature in the box? 8/
The one thing I'll admit to really missing in The Return is Angelo Badalamenti's score in scenes like those at the Great Northern and the Sheriff's Department. I can understand Lynch's rationale for not using it but it feels like they're not as effective as they should be. 9/
Mr. C's introduction and the scene at Buella's is perfect - it feels like what I was talking about earlier, a sequel that enriches and enlarges the story world. 10/
Watching the New York/Buckhorn scenes feels a little like watching the Deer Meadow scenes in FWWM: we find ourselves in an unfamiliar world that defies our hopes and expectations of what Twin Peaks should be. But if we let those go, we can find surprising pleasures in there. 11/
Ruth Davenport’s Buckhorn building from Twin Peaks is actually located in the East Hollywood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Thank you to @samhowzit for finding this location! 12/ 
Ruth Davenport's body always looked like a painting to me. A gruesome, disturbing one, but a painting nonetheless. 13/
It breaks my heart to see Catherine Coulson like this but knowing the story of how she filmed these scenes in the final days of her life makes me admire her strength, commitment, and love for this character and this show so much. These scenes are her last gift to the fans. 14/
"But the Morgans are coming for dinner!" is like a rallying cry of all those who simply refuse to self-isolate, social distance, or stay in during this quarantine. 🙄🤦‍♂️ 15/
Detective Macklay's flashlight being broken feels like a direct callback to this scene from the Pilot in terms of Lynch's interest in the contrast between light and dark. 16/
Diner from Part 2 is located in Hawthorne, California. Thank you to @Cap_Kat who I believe is the one who discovered this fact if I'm not mistaken. 17/ 
It amuses me to no end how Ray is able to get under Mr. C's skin in this scene. And of course Mr. C's monologue about want/need is a callback to his line "What I want and what I need are two different things, Audrey" in Episode 7, Season 1. 18/
My favorite moment of this season opener was seeing Sheryl Lee back in the Red Room. She's lost none of her magic or charisma during the 25 years that had passed from FWWM to The Return. I do miss the Red Room music in this scene though. 20/
One of the most beautiful shots of Twin Peaks: The Return. 21/
Darya's murder reminds me of Maddy's with its intimate ugliness and violence. It may not have the same effect because we haven't gotten to know and love Darya in the same way, but it's very disturbing and effective. 22/
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