One of the things about this whole situation that I think must be absolutely maddening to epidemiologists is how people persist in thinking and talking about this virus as if it’s hitting the entire country all at once.

Some places likely won’t hit their peak until June.
Or May at the earliest. This thing is *not evenly distributed*, I literally have no idea how much simpler to make it.

Some people are purposefully pretending that’s not so but I think a huge number of people just don’t get it.
Let people everywhere go out at the end of April and you’ll see massive death tolls in places that right now seem to be escaping the worst. Especially in more rural communities that either have poorly equipped and funded hospitals or no hospitals at all.
Heard an interview yesterday with a nurse at one of those hospitals. Seeing the first signs of surge. Not a single ventilator in the place. In those cases it’s ship the patient to somewhere else or sit there and watch them die.
Shouldn’t even need to be noted at this point but that’s Trump Country.
Leave it to the Republican party to launch a campaign of public health sabotage perfectly designed to kill their own voters.
I mean, that was Wisconsin. That strategy was explicitly targeting marginalized communities disproportionately hurt hard but they were also clearly willing to sacrifice the health and lives of their own voters in order to win a court seat.

Death cult.
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