Right I am absolutely fookin rogered after this week - this has been the most profitable week Iā€™ve ever had -by a long stretch - Iā€™m 24 years young - been trading since Feb 19 - I had no knowledge of the markets or any of the fundamentals prior - I didnā€™t even know what a MM was.
Started out chasing spikes on the vox app top 10 risers and had my arse handed to me - took a lot of losses till I got my shit together and actually sat down to learn the game that being said you can only read and learn so much online.
I want to give a massive thanks to my peers who I have learnt so much from during this journey and who have helped to shape who I am today as a trader - in no particular order : @TopTradersADVFN @rick_shares @yidsarecoming @gasman2020 @Shan90aim @Watermelon_AIM @smacker_aim
@Mausaeus @MylesMcNulty @jecarter13 @shafaq39 - apologies if Iā€™ve missed anyone out but a huge thanks to all of the above & a must follow for any newbies - Iā€™ve learnt so much from each & everyone of the above. Enjoy the long weekend folks from me & my loved ones to you & yours
Fook nearly forgot ya old man @smacker_aim šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚
@BabblerBestBets @Smudgedann @Cele7tial @KhudezaBegum @Faslam_aslam @fundraiseraim - part of the list too forgetting to mention a lot of people due to how gassed out I am šŸ¤£šŸ¤
You can follow @naim_aim96.
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