Let's not pretend that the backlash to this comic isn't fueled by hatred for the artist. We're surrounded by media where protagonists commit crimes, yet there is no objection over "promoting crime", unless the creator is trans it seems. It's so nakedly dishonest. https://twitter.com/SweetBeans99/status/1247939201183543296
Office Space is a movie where the protagonists, dissatisfied with their jobs, cook up a scheme to siphon money out of their employer. Not only do they face no consequence for that, they also steal office equipment just so they can trash it. No concern about promoting crime tho?
The movie ends with a minor character burning the building down, and not only getting away with it, but being rewarded for it. Yet everyone has the critical faculties to recognise that a comedy movie exaggerating dissatisfaction with an employer is not literally advocating crime.
A little comic about a cartoon dog girl who has an art block so does something risky only to still have the block in the end is such a small thing to performatively get mad about, yet here we are. Just admit you hate trans women and save us all the charade.
Think I'll go play a game where I get to play as my favourite crime man doing crimes all the time.
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