You can create four things out of one with the blessings of God as he always encourages creativity according to Rig Ved 1.20.6

उ॒त त्यं च॑म॒सं नवं॒ त्वष्टु॑र्दे॒वस्य॒ निष्कृ॑तं ।
अक॑र्त च॒तुरः॒ पुनः॑ ॥


उ॒त - Also.

त्यम् - That.

च॑म॒सम् - A vessel named Chamas. (A type of wooden spoon used during Yagya and for Som drinking) .

नवम् - New.

त्वष्टुः र्दे॒वस्य॒ - Of Twaashta dev.

निष्कृ॑तम् - Made.

अक॑र्त - To make.

च॒तुरः॒ - Four types.

पुनः॑ - Again.

Explanation:- As per Rishi Saayan, Ribhudev is the disciple of Twaashta dev.He has the ability to create new things.Ribhudev once made 4 Chamas(A type of wooden spoon used during Yagya & for Somras drinking)out of a single Chamas which was originally created by Twaashta dev.

He was well versed in creative activities.

Deep meaning: You can create four things out of one with the blessings of God as he always encourages creativity.


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