I don't know who needs to hear this, but if you're presenting a vision of a positive social, environmental, economic alternative without putting the need to fight against entrenched power front & center, you are wasting my and everyone else's time and you should stop.
It's not about the possibility of positive alternatives: those are well established. It's about the possibility of overcoming what stands between us and those positive alternatives. If all you can do is stand there and say "a better world is possible," you also stand in the way.
See: social justice, decolonisation, climate ...
We don't just need to "change our mindsets" or "focus on positive potentials" or any of that crap. We need to get organising and fighting. It's not about seeing a dream, it's about fighting a nightmare. So let's get on with it.
You can follow @JKSteinberger.
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