Thread: A friend who is a Bernie supporter asked me for talking points for why Bernie supporters should vote for Biden, rather than sit this next election out. Sharing here in case others need the advice for folks they know who supported Bernie. /1
Most every democrat in America did not get their first choice of candidate. Everyone is understandably angry and frustrated when their candidate of choice is forced to drop out. We are almost all victims of having to settle. The anger and frustration will subside. /2
The DNC did not decide who would be the nominee. The voters decided. There were countless debates & voters rejected Elizabeth, Kamala, Pete, etc. Bernie is not a victim any more than the rest are. He also took an active part in the formulation of the DNC debate rules 2019-20. /3
Americans are scared. The notion of revolution didn’t appeal to a large swath of us. Our fear led us to traditional white old guys to the detriment of other candidates. & it led to the most moderate & experienced of the 2 old guys. It’s not personal to Bernie. It’s about fear./4
Every democrat I know has been saying #VoteBlueNoMatterWho since candidates have been dropping off. Everyone I know, including former Republicans who hate Trump, would have voted for Bernie had he been the nominee. /5
Trump has stacked the federal courts with super conservative & young white male judges at a faster pace than any Pres. If he continues for 4 more years, any chance of climate progress, health care progress, economic parity, female progress, will be lost for a GENERATION. /6
RBG & Breyer will have to retire soon. The Pres will have 2 open seats to fill in the Supreme Court. If filled by Trump, they will be young, white & conservative. The issues that Bernie supporters care deeply about will be non-starters for a generation. I’m not exaggerating. /7
I can’t imagine Biden will serve more than one term. That means we will be able to put forth more liberal candidate in 2024. That is the reality for those who wanted a woman POTUS and who are crushed that we again won’t have one. It’s not ideal but it’s not that far off. /8
Biden can hit the ground running. His top pandemic czar Ron Klain was extremely successful under Obama. The advisors whom Biden selects can jump in & clean up a lot. They know how everything works & can try to right the ship to clean up more quickly than any others. /9
Boring and stabilizing is going to have to be good enough. I wanted Hillary and Kamala. I am now fundraising for and voting for Biden. I’m ecstatic about getting Trump out. And I will spend the rest of 2020 doing that because this isn’t about my first choice or me. /10
It’s about our entire country. If that’s not compelling to the Bernie folks, then there is nothing else I can say. They will live with the consequences of another four years of Trump. Thank you for listening to my TED talk. @JoeBiden @TeamJoe @JoeMamas2020 #JoeTime /END
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