Was just reading some threads by @TheOrangeAlt and @artemisfeels, and -- as Oranges' bio mentions "doing public self-therapy" --

Have (you? y'all?) considered looking into the Vajrayana Buddhist khandro / pawo approach as a lens on what's happening? https://vajranotes.wordpress.com/2011/10/27/khandro-pawo/
My level of familiarity is low -- read a bit about it in Spectrum of Ecstasy and thought, "huh! cool!"

So I'm not certain where to point you for more info, except perhaps that book and other Aro gTér books.
You may already be familiar with Vajrayana - quoted tweet mentions "meaningness" & "nebulosity", so I figure you've read some of @Meaningness ' stuff?

@_awbery_ and @Timber_22 may also have thoughts on where to find out more about khandro / pawo https://twitter.com/artemisfeels/status/1229211931069894657
Context: There's something about how Oranges and Artemis are working with this sort of male / female tulpa situation that seems to me (on a first read) -- less confused than a lot of tulpa stuff?

(likely more compatible with its Buddhist origins than the theosophy/4chan mashup?)
And you mentioned that this emerged in a meditation retreat -- I figure, if that was a Sutric retreat, rather than a Tantric / Dzogchen context: they might not be prepared to work with that, but some meditation traditions are
(Looks back through tabs - how did I get here??
OH YEAH -- I saw this tweet and was like, 'get you some nondualism tho') https://twitter.com/TheOrangeAlt/status/1248231251351404549
Yidam practice is like... not the same thing as khandro / pawo?
But maybe related context?
Or at least the naturalistic approach here, is relevant (and hilarious, I love the Terry Pratchett quotes!!) https://vividness.live/2017/02/09/yidams-a-godless-approach-naturally/
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