Shall we play a game?
Would you Rather kill one of your Family members or kill 50 innocent people?
Would you rather save someone from a fatal car crash or Get R3 million in cash
Mom or Dad , who are you saving?
Which Caleb's Head would you chop of?
Which show would you Cancel
•The Queen
Which celeb are you saving from a car crash
Gun Knife or Buloyi
Bread Magwinya or Dumblings
Would you rather never have sex or never be Loved
Would you rather be Beautiful or Rich
iPhone20/Samsung S50 or save your family member from a fatal disease
Punch a stranger or be broke for life
Pee on someone's Pet or Be blind forever
Have sex with ten 90year Old Men/Women or be Broke for life
Spit it someone food or Cut of your pinky toe
Cut of your ex' D*ck or Die in 12 Days
Be Skinny for Life or Be Thick for a year and Die a painful death
Would you rather go to hell where you hangout with all the celebs you've ever loved or be Lonely in Heaven
You can follow @whoaXhosa.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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