Actually, the Guardian did not do even one article on the Tablighi Jamaat conflagration in India, where it accounts for half of all the new cases. It is startling, because Tablighis are very big in UK. They planned to build a mega-mosque in London capable of holding 12000 people!
There seems to be a mafia style Omertà in the British left wing media in discussing the Tablighi Jamaat viral pandemic. It is not just India. Pakistan was also hit majorly, though they don’t have full numbers there yet. Malaysia was hit immensely. The UK was also probably hit.
Why were the Tablighi Jamaat’s Markaz gatherings especially bad during a pandemic? Their peculiar (appalling) notions of personal hygiene. It is a cult that is streamlined to spread a pandemic. Compare with the Guardian article at the top of this thread.
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