Getting older in fandom honestly means you realize it’s okay to not think critically about every single thing you like or consume at all times.
You’re human and you’re allowed to enjoy things without flogging yourself for it.

It’s ok, you can just enjoy things sometimes.
I’ve spent enough years going “ha ha I love Disney movies but DON’T WORRY I KNOW THEY’RE PROBLEMATIC!” and honestly I’m done. I’m not looking to Disney for woke-ness, I just want something fun for an hour that maybe gives me new songs for my playlists and that’s ok
I don’t have to analyze every fanfic I read and go “Hmm is this author appropriately portraying safe sex?”
Like who cares? This is my indulgence and I don’t HAVE to be woke about it. There are more important things to use my time and energy on.
I do wanna say real quickly that this doesn’t mean NEVER be critical of stuff, and if soemthing is particularly heinous please do call it out.

It’s more of a know when to pick your battles, and allow yourself to not feel guilty for enjoying things
AND in terms of being critical about your media and fandom, please learn about those social subjects outside of fandom. Take civil rights courses/women’s studies/queer history.
The telephone game of fandom is NOT the best place to learn about these things or how to analyze them
You can follow @Spookie_Pie.
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