remember that blurryface was red
trench was yellow

obviously when you mix yellow and red you get orange. but we have to look at it a little deeper, too.

the bishops' color is red. red on a whole signifies and represents danger and bad things regarding dema/mental health
yellow however would be the opposite. you could say that ANY bad thing red could represent, yellow would represent the opposite.

yellow also shields you from bishops.

then you could say orange would represent an in-between to whatever bad/good thing red and yellow represent
^^^^ (if i'm remembering right i took the above information from a v good video by @poptivist and i'll have to find it again)
now remember that blurryface was Point A. that album basically took place in dema or represented the fact of actively being trapped there.

trench was Point B, and ofc represented actively trying to leave (albeit sometimes being pulled back).

yellow was needed to try to leave
by this logic, the next album would be Point C -- being away from Dema completely, but ALSO being away from the safety of trench. this could bring on a level of concern because there's no idea of what to expect.
^ orange would represent that feeling.

because once reaching point C, you're not exactly content yet (which could be yellow), but you're not in danger/hopeless either (which would be red).

you're in the middle: you're on ALERT. you're uncertain but you are HOPEFUL.
^ so you've got some yellow emotions but also some red.

and i'd say that would be an ongoing theme in the next album, maybe? navigating the uncertainty but hopefulness of leaving DEMA/trench.

the uncertainty of recovery. basically.
ADDITIONALLY, because point C would be farther away from Dema than trench is, you wouldn't need any yellow to sheild you bc bishops wouldn't be around.

but red wouldn't be a Thing either bc, again, no bishops, no dema.

so you have orange instead.
orange in the real world (like traffic lights) also means warning/stay alert of your surroundings.

within the story line that'd relate to a sentiment of 'don't let yourself go back to dema (red), stay alert of your feelings and fix them if needed (yellow).' ----> orange.
orange is a color that would let you slip back to yellow if you needed the safety, but you could just as easily fall back to red.
so basically, the next album having some orange would make sense. because as i said before, it'd represent that uncertainty but also hopefulness at the idea of recovery.
it'd also represent the idea of trying not to go back to dema(red) , but also being able to shield yourself if needed with yellow.
i'm not sure how much sense this makes bc i'm very scattered in thought all the time so i'm not great with articulation, but yeah
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