... international reputation, but in the long run, demands for Taiwan to contribute to the world's health will start growing."
@lnachman32 described the episode as a "perfect example of goalpost policy," where @WHO tried to move the "goalpost" by accusing #Taiwan of being racist, despite the growing demand for Taiwan to join the organization.
@ChiehtingYeh said as the head of WHO, the highest multilateral health organization in the world, Tedros' accusations are irresponsible and he should apologize for the claims, if they are proven to be baseless.
However, Ting also points out that this incident signals a shift of the WHO's strategy towards #Taiwan.
"This is also the first time since this crisis that the WHO addressed Taiwan directly,” Yeh said. “It’s a departure from their official tactic of avoiding and pretending never heard of Taiwan.”
“In the longer run, as more people debate the relationship between Taiwan and the WHO, they will see the facts: Taiwan is the most free and liberal nation in Asia; Taiwan has done a miraculous job keeping its citizens safe; Taiwan is eager to help the rest of the world;...
... and the WHO has been the one denying Taiwan any help, due to China’s political position on Taiwan,” said Yeh. “I believe there will be more demand for Taiwan to contribute to the world’s health, even despite Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO.”
You can follow @WilliamYang120.
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