1. The final episode of Season 2 of @PowrCorrupts is now out: Biological Weapons. This was one of the craziest & most interesting episodes I’ve created. Listen here: http://podfollow.com/power-corrupts  And here are a few insane highlights of the episode in a thread:
2. Ancient armies used beehive bombs to attack enemies; the Greeks poisoned the water supplies of adversaries with Hellboore; and the Mongol horde used catapults to fling plague victims into cities under siege to infect the population.
3. The British government long ago had a plan to infect the cattle of enemy countries called — and I’m not making this up — Operation Vegetarian.
4. Decades ago, the US government carried out tests with sprays on the New York subway system, the DC airport, and San Francisco Bay. They also dropped 300,000 mosquitos on Georgia in something called Operation Big Buzz.
5. The most horrific program was definitely the Japanese one prior to and during World War II. Seriously disgusting experiments, carried out under Shiro Ishii. South Africa’s biological weapons program under apartheid was also horrific.
6. The new methods of developing biological weapons — as explained beautifully in the episode by @FilippaLentzos — range from bioweapons developed to target a single individual...to using insects as Ubers to deliver viruses to crops.
7. Listen to the whole episode here: http://podfollow.com/power-corrupts  and consider checking out the whole series, with episodes from conspiracy theories to mercenaries to propaganda, magic in warfare, election rigging, kidnapping and ransom, the death penalty, money laundering, and more.
8. And a huge thanks to @George_McDonagh who produces and edits the series. If you’re looking to make a podcast and need an audio wizard, George is highly, highly recommended.
You can follow @brianklaas.
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