Holy shit, the whiny children with the "I won't vote" or "maybe I'll vote for Trump." Yeah, Biden is depressing as hell, but compared to Trump picking more SCOTUS judges, continuing to destroy the federal government, fucking up disaster response, enriching himself? Seriously?
Playing right into the GOP "they're all the same, government sucks, nobody cares, let's burn it all down" nonsense is incredibly dumb. Change is incremental and that is often infuriating, but deciding to just throw your hands up and say "fuck it" let's let it all burn is dumb.
Demographically, apart from maybe dying of covid19 due to Trumpian incompetence (thankfully CA is sane here), I have relatively little to directly fear from this hateful regime, but I sure as hell know plenty of people not so lucky as that, that I'll hold my nose and vote Biden.
That and I believe that for however bland and insufficiently progressive Biden is, he's not a goddamn criminal who'll use the DOJ as a personal sword and shield, that he won't shit all over the constitution the way the Orange Embarrassment does, and we can start repairing things.
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