Kansans are upset the AG telling law enforcement they won’t do anything about people breaking the shelter in place and go to church on Easter Sunday. He’s literally saying that because the State would lose in court because of this thing called the Constitution.
I’m indifferent on this issue because it’s a sticky situation no matter what. I don’t want to virus to spread, especially as someone with a compromised immune system. But you can’t fine, arrest, or stop people from exercising their first amendment right of freedom of religion.
There is blood on no ones hands for this either way. Governor Kelly should not be blamed nor AG Schmidt for this. The people to blame are those who decide to be irresponsible and not follow the recommendation to shelter in place and social distancing practices.
With everything related to this virus no matter the side you are on your can’t have it both ways folks. People criticized Trump for the early travel bad and then complain he’s not doing anything.
People are also complaining about how badly the government has handled this whole virus response situation and yet are the same people that want the government to handle your healthcare and many other aspects of your life. You cannot have it both ways.
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