A Tenacious Optimism:
A foundational state of mind for Sikhs, this optimism is nurtured daily, as a longstanding practice evidenced in early historical texts mention the morning routine to consist of the singing of the 'Ballad of Hope' [Asa Ki Vaar].
Daily in prayer Sikhs ask to receive the blessing to remain in 'Chardi-kala', or Forever Rising Spirits. This mindset can be seen in the old slang called 'Gargaj Boley', lit meaning Thunderous Sayings, which puts a humorously optimistic spin on everything, some examples include..
For 'a little' [thora] they use 'one and a half' [savayee]

To refer to someone blind they say 'a Great Warrior' [Soorma Singh]

To refer to someone with a leg disability/injury they say 'the one who Walks Gracefully' [Suchala Singh]
One of the roughest patches of history for the Sikhs came in the mid 18th century, when the governor of Lahore, Mir Mannu placed a price on the head of a dead Sikh. The state took active measures to find and kill Sikhs wherever they could. Yet during this time the Sikhs were...
famous for speaking this optimistic saying showing their unrelenting determination:

Manu asadi datri, asi Manu de soe
Jeon jeon Manu wad-da, asi dune chaune hoe

"Manu is our sickle, we the fodder for him to mow
The more he reaps, the more and more we grow"
In Greek mythology, when Pandora's box [really a jar] is opened to let out all the evils on the world, the one remaining entity which states in the jar for Pandora is Hope, indicating that even when all is lost and the evils of the world are upon you, you always still have Hope
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