Jesus had 12 disciples, Buddha had 12 followers, Quetzaocoatl had 12 followers, the 12 nights of the roundtable, Hercules and his 12 labors, the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 great patriarchs, 12 Old Testament prophets, 12 jewels of the high priest. And it goes on and on.
12 signs of the zodiac

12 months of the year

12 hours of the day

12 hours of the night

12 inches in a foot

12 days of Christmas

12 grades in school

12 step-programs

12 jurors

12 notes before the octave

12 eggs in a dozen

12 years of childhood before the “teens
These deaths and the fact that they were further molded, packaged and deployed as 12 is taken full advantage of the resonance and occultic meaning behind this number as it relates to conscripting of these energies for use in ritual magick, which they really do believe.
Only in this case is a BLACK SUN RITUAL as this is overly perverted black magick.

In his masterpiece, Secret Teachings of All Ages Manly P Hall writes this:

The number twelve frequently occurs among ancient peoples, who in nearly every case had a pantheon consisting of
twelve demigods and goddesses presided over by The Invincible One, who was Himself subject to the Incomprehensible All-Father. This use of the number twelve is especially noted in the Jewish and Christian writings. The twelve prophets, the twelve patriarchs, the twelve tribes,
and the twelve Apostles–each group has a certain occult significance, for each refers to the Divine Duodecimo, or Twelvefold Deity, whose emanations are manifested in the tangible created Universe through twelve individualized channels.
From Mackey’s Masonic Ritualist pg.113

“The number 12 was celebrated as a mystical number in the ancient systems, of which It has already been said that Masonry Is a philosophical development.
The number there referred to the twelve signs of the zodiac, and in those Masonic rites in which the Builder Is made the symbol of the sun, the twelve Fellow Crafts refer to the twelve signs in which alone the sun is to be sought for.”
Gnostic teachings tell us that there is only one true Square number. 144. or 12 X 12= 144 which is pure math harmony both vertically and horizontally. This can easily be seen in music, but also affects our DNA and how we react to “vibrations.” REMEMBER physical acts are
simply vibrational manifestation of thought processes in our three-dimensional world. Our brain is a 3 to 4th-dimensionalinterface machine. Ergo…. Practitioners of this magick understand that physical acts will have a bearing on the mind going the other way as well.
Especially when enacted in traumatic fashion designed to resonate with natural energies. OR ritualistic magic.

Bush NWO speech 11 years to the day before 9/11. That numerology, these psychopaths can't get enough of it.

But who is the 13th?

This should be obvious at this point.
The 13th, is the Sun. The sun is the 13th after the 12 constellations in the zodiac. And on and on.
This has an obvious association with Lucifer (bringer of light) who “wanted to be like the most-high.” What’s more, this behavior is represented throughout all religions and astrotheology and is always associated with the fall or destruction of man. or PRIDE. Lucifers sin.
There is a right and a wrong way to go about living and seeking knowledge. imo it is to live in harmony with our world and energies as it has been laid out for us by God. Tesla knew. This entire protracted ritual involving 12 cabal hits served two purposes simultaneously.
Two purposes interconnected and equally vile. Dark hermetic magick that when carried out successfully multiplies the effectiveness of evil. Energetically, sexually, and physically. These monsters have been doing this for over 1000 years and their institutions are the same.
In this case, whistleblowers and people of the light who were connected were silenced. Perhaps people were dirty & engaged and had a change of heart or perhaps they were weak and would’ve caved under pressure or perhaps they were victims themselves. It matters not.
It is pretty well understood that is incredibly difficult yet not impossible to kill one’s self by suiciding in this manner. This method, along with the numerology and sheer numbers are nothing less than a public display of punishment by their network.
I'm not stupid i know the circumstances of the deaths have a significant symbolic meaning that a shit ton of intelligence officers most definitely immediately recognize.

“Hung on doorknobs means choked for speaking out against the cabal I'm connected to.”
These people were choked unconsciousness and then hung on a doorknob to die alone slowly only to have their bodies used as a message to the world elite.

Is it possible to hang one’s self from a door knob?

The answer to this macabre question is a resounding YES.
There are, in fact, 13 signs of the zodiac, not 12 like originally detailed by the ancient Babylonians more than 3,000 years ago. When the Babylonians created the zodiac, they had already created 12-month calendar that was based on the phases of the moon.
With a few keystrokes, one can find an entire website dedicated to explaining in detail how to accomplish this, along with every other conceivable method of ending one’s life. It's all out there. We just gotta start spreading it. From the website:
Whilst generally the literature considers asphyxiation via constriction of the airway as the main cause of death in short drop hanging, Stone1 does discuss how short drop hanging can take place without the pain and discomfort of the airway being blocked.
The idea is to have enough pressure from the noose on the right side of the head, just below the jaw, to constrict the carotid artery. Interrupting the blood flow to the brain causes swift unconsciousness (in 15 seconds or less2), then what should be death in five to ten minutes.
Likewise, death can also be achieved by constricting the jugular vein under the left side of the jaw, which prevents blood from getting back to the heart.

Apparently, one of two methods is used for a legitimate doorknob hanging suicide.
The first, tie the rope, scarf or elastic gym equipment to the doorknob and run it over the top of the door giving yourself enough room to dangle. The second. Tie the rope to the doorknob and then to the neck and sit down until you choke yourself unconscious. unbelievable.
At which point one would die without pain or terror.  The problem is, human survival instinct ALWAYS kicks and people fight. That is unless they are drugged or unable to do so. This is why it is interesting that so many of the above suicides didn’t involve any drugs.
Have people hung themselves by doorknobs in the past? Apparently, they have. Do I believe that 12 celebrities connected to Clintons’ & pizza in one way or another decided to suicide from doorknobs? Hell no.

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