And here we have a very terrible (and extraordinarily) tone-deaf take. https://twitter.com/aigaeyeondesign/status/1247934646664519680
How deeply privileged one has to be, how removed from the realities of the lives being lived and lost around you, to provide that kind of bullshit response.
And, yes, although the rest of the answer lists the very many ways in which one can, on their own, or with others, mobilise efforts to help others, can we all just stop trying to leverage or instrumentalise every damn emergency or crisis for self-promotion?
If I was a student, I wouldn't want to be educated by any one of these "educators". As an instructor, I do not support any of these responses as a message to give to students. When y'all complain about a lack of care and critique in the discipline, you now know where to look.
More plainly: not one fucking person responded with something resembling empathy, care, or concern for students own well-being. @AIGAeyeondesign, please do better. This is a disservice to everyone.
A true (more honest) design practice might leave the original text visible, showing amendments or deletions that reflect your learnings. To see what people responded to and to see how you've responded would be an act of design that we could all learn from. https://twitter.com/AIGAeyeondesign/status/1248250871722303490?s=20
And if you need an example of how this could be done, then I have one for you: David Wallace-Wells Uninhabited Earth, the annotated edition.
Since @AIGAeyeondesign has since deleted the thread, for those asking, I was responding to the advice of James Baldwin of @GSofA and the very many others included in an article that has since been heavily edited.

The edited version, here: https://web.archive.org/web/20200411152047/https://eyeondesign.aiga.org/im-a-design-student-what-happens-next/
To be clear, I was not only calling out Baldwin and his bad take.* @AIGAeyeondesign had two opportunities. And they blew them both.

*I'm not tagging him on this thread as I think it is (only somewhat) unfair that he is singled out, when, frankly, most of the advice was terrible.
The first was to conduct a series of interviews with educators to have an open, sensitive conversation with students who are themselves isolated to varying degrees, who are worried about their health, friends, families and their future, not to mention their ongoing studies.
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