Rant #1:
“ If you're a bleeding heart, RP Clout is not that great or worth it ”
By bleeding heart, I refer to those who're particularly sensitive or more emotional than one would like to be
I've noticed a pattern, to say the least.

Once you hit the 1k mark or just over--
--whether you like it or not, you'll come across PLENTY of new issues and conflicting personalities, many unprovoked, all unwanted.

You'll also reach the inevitable conclusion:
1k, 2k, 5k+ followers, it really does not matter at all in the end, and I'll tell you why--
Only a handful will legitimately be close enough to know you to a tee.
Only a few will be willing to go through extra mile even if they're in an unfavourable position, with you returning the favors.
Only a few can you call close.
Only a couple you'll regularly interact with--
There'll be a lot of people misinterpreting what you say, blocking/blacklisting because of association with those they hold in disdain, those who will kiss ass to fee validation from an idol, those who will take what you say too literally and at face value--
--The only real advantage apart from getting traction on SLs or groups (which from what I've seen can be pretty fragile internally but that's for another day), is having influence to be known in verses to find writing partners more easily.

But, please remember the following:
Follower count should not always and does not always equate to quality.

'Validation' from a handful of close friends, imo, is worth more than overloading your stimuli with hundreds of interactions from they who will ultimately come and go.
RPers don't always RP for their craft-
One could have 10k+ and only be interested in one liner threads but many will assume due to the clout and layout they're all about serious threads, and vice versa.

Both are valid. Writing partners can be ANYONE, irrespective of their influence.

And to be brutally honest--
If you're RPing JUST for clout which in most cases grants artificial validation, not to make genuine connections or work on your craft of art or writing, you're playing a dangerous game. ESPECIALLY if you're a minor.

There's too many predators, sociopaths, double crossers--
Too much to even list that make this an inhospitable environment to be hyperfixated on popularity contests.
The fact we're even resorting to make believe through typing words for social stimuli should humble us, NOT inflate ego.

And yet the anonymity does on a large basis.--
As a friend said, it's not high school. Its a hobby where you're bound to make long-time allies but most will drift sooner than you may want or think. Every second young is irreplaceable.

Spend it on what matters.
You can follow @TekkenPatriarch.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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