I hate how girl characters in this kind of heterosexual romantic trope is very single dimensional and usually have either shallow or no character development at all.
They're usually super gedik or super hyped or super shy and their mini personality traits only revolves around these specific behaviors. Sometimes they can have unexpected sides like weird kinks or secretly a bitch but that's usually how far they always go.
Sometimes there are femme fatales with badass accomplishments and backstories and skill set but they always have that same attractive vulnerable sides that revolved around romaticised past tragedies.
A lot of the times too these girls are treated as prizes for a bunch of, if not just two, pathetic men to fight among themselves for. Of course the girls comprise in the name of true love lmao.
And here to the men saying girls are complicated. We are not. They are just used to the typical weak white rabbit girl type they saw in media and when irl they see the multi dimension we have their senses are confused.
I honestly don't know what Im planning to gain with this thread but really girls need MORE dimension in media we need to be represented. WE EXIST.
We're not all cutesy type or malu malu kucing type or mega bitches some of us even have no personality. I can name at least 3 anime series with MALE protagonist that have less personalities than a rock. But there isn't one of female. Media creators need. To do. BETTER.
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