after seeing the live action version, this surprinsingly made me want to watch the original one.
this movie is of course far better but a few things bothered me.
let me do a list. #ladyandthetramp
-The tramp is likely a pick up artist
- Darling gave a punch to her dog lady.
- the scottish dog with a very strong scottish accent and is presented as stingy.
- the scene with a beaver is a TV show parody .Tramp is the showrunner and lady the bimbo holding
the product to sell. the product is muzzle. and lady is wearing the muzzle. do you see where i am going with this ?
aside of it, we have this very famous scene with Siamese cats are obviously chinese with strong accent and presented as really vicious. this has obviously been replaced by regular cats with ""regular"" accent in the live action movie.
-Jim gave lady to darling but is the one who seems to hold the autority on her and consider as the real master . obviously
i am only half way of the movie this thread will be obviously updated shortly .
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