I'll never understand folks who praise SwSh for very miniscule things that have been done previously in other games and done so much better
The fact that so many people find it so interesting is beyond me
Using a chorus in a music theme
Ceadus theme in monster hunter
Using animal sounds both Nargacuga and Chaotic gore magala themes do this
Having (2D) characters by this iean giving a very very very flat character just a tiny bit of personality to make them interesting yet Xenoblade series the Tales of as well as the Persona series do characters so much better
A pathetic excuse for an MMO when Monster Hunter has a great one and Blade and Soul are so much better
What has gotten into people praising mediocre bullshit
The fact that so many people do it is just really sad and Pokemon has always been behind other much better JRPGs and will always stay behind because people will praise the shallow shit they do like its the second coming
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