đź’ˇA bit of advice for young Wrestlers (all wrestlers, really), it's not a bad idea to use this unfortunate downtime to build yourself a second career or learn some new skills to help towards something else. I never like saying "have a back-up plan" but, safeguard yourself...
I have another career that I absolutely love and discovered whilst having downtime a few years ago. It means I'm able to run a business and earn money alongside wrestling and you wont be left without when something like this happens or, god forbid, you get hurt and cant work...
Being full time is very admirable and I've been there myself before, but you can be smarter about it. Do some free online courses, learn something new, it's never a bad idea to diversify your income. You might come across another industry you fall in love with. One more thing...
People are often (recently) praised when they make the plunge to be full time wrestlers, and again whilst admirable, here's a much overdue shout out to those working their arse off full time with kids and/or house to consider, and also being busy wrestlers - top tier grafters! đź’Ş
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