Thread. Anyone else having pandemic crisis dreams lately?
My dream last night involved Margaret and me rowing a small boat across a very large lake to see Margs’ parents who were driving to meet us (not sure how the car and boat were supposed to meet).
I’m on the phone with my MIL who’s joyfully asking if we can see them driving towards us. They’re still across the lake, so no.
The skies become very gray and ominous. Winds pick up. I see a tornado on the shore. Margaret and I row to shore to seek shelter.
I think seeking refuge in the nearby tree grove is best; Margaret, being from the Midwest, reminds me to just get low on the shore and cover my head. I, being the fretter I am, wonder how I could not be more prepared to know what to do during a tornado.
This tornado is huge, and we have zero protection. We have a 50/50 shot of making it out of this situation, but we’re with each other and that seems comforting in the moment.
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