Some fresh thoughts on the renewed #DemExit vs continued #DemEnter arguments. Namely:

We need to stop boxing ourselves into parties.

It should be obvious by now that we need strong efforts outside the corrupt Democratic party. But that doesn't mean we should wall ourselves off from our ideological allies fighting from inside the tent.

Same goes in reverse.
In other words, we need to be a movement that thinks beyond the labels and coalitions instead on the ideas.

People trying to force their way into Team Blue or even Team Red on progressive ideas should seriously "partner" in races with a third or independent who also runs...
Example of what I mean:

John runs as a Dem for the House. Their similarly aligned friend Jill, though, thinks running independently makes more sense and is in the same race.

So the arrangement is: If Dems cheat John, he endorses Jill. If John wins, Jill endorses him.
In this way, you ensure the best odds for both sides. There is an external threat that throws cold water on Dems' monopoly claim you "have nowhere else to go," and gives independents/thirds and thus the agenda more of a chance in the event the Dem fails.
We also can't only rely on elections, though, as important as they are. We also need activist and direct action allies alongside it all (including election integrity and pro-Ranked Choice Voting efforts, hint, hint!), because pressure on all sides is critical to change.
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